Set in the grounds of a Healing Garden together with play areas designed by the FIVE Hayling Schools. An all weather Conservatory and a unique
In order to convince the Council to take it seriously, we need support from you the community and hard data to prove if this vision is one which you believe would aid regeneration and make Hayling a better place in which to live.
Please answer the questions immediately below.
For further details of the Aqua Dome proposals, please read on.
To enable us to gather this data please record your answers to the questions in the message box below in the following way: Q1 Yes, Q2 Yes, etc., or simply say Yes to everything.
1. If there was an Aqua Centre, with a large family pool, quiet pool, spa and pampering area plus a Hydrotherapy pool built on the regeneration site in front of the Royal Hotel and Crescent facing the sea, would you use it? Yes/No
2. Would you visit with friends, family or relatives? Yes/No
3. If the Aqua Centre was also a Flow Riding Centre, do you believe it would attract tourists and beginners to try out new Water Sports? Yes/No
4. Do you believe that preserving the Island's Sea Life and fragile Eco System is important? Yes/No
5. Would you want a Centre that helps everyone to learn about our Island, its heritage and the effect of coastal erosion and pollution? Yes/No
6. Do you believe it is important to harness the forces of nature for energy to reduce our carbon footprint? Yes/No
7. Would you enjoy using any of the facilities on the site? Yes/No
8. Do you support this project? Yes/No
This form is only to be used for the Aqua Dome Project
Your email is only to be used to ensure we can validate our data!
Just Post Code will suffice thank you.
Please note: we are keeping replies simple to reduce our online running costs and to establish basic support for the proposed Aqua Dome. More work will, of course, have to be done at the planning stages; first we have to show our Council the level of support on Hayling.
The Hayling Aqua Dome would use seawater and solar power.
From the home of Windsurfing and Sailing the Hayling Aqua Dome gives the thrill of surfing whatever the weather.
A chance to ride a wave, without fear - no wind, no tides just fun!
Flowboarding is a sport that combines the look of surfing, the ride of snowboarding and the tricks of skateboarding.
The FlowRider sends a thin sheet of water up a sloped, cushioned ride surface to create a wavelike flow of water.
It's fun, safe and perfect for beginners from about 8 years old, depending on height, as well as intermediate and advanced surfers!
Flumes, water slides for all ages, with paddling pools and fountains. A place for family fun!
"Swimming is a life saving skill, especially living on an Island, and what better way to introduce this skill to your family then by going with family or friends to an indoor sea water pool. Gentle on sensitive skin and with greater buoyancy young and old have fun together. Not only enjoying social interaction and physical well being, but relaxing, watching the adventurous on the water slides and the youngsters dipping their toes in the paddling pools. Shallow water with floats, flumes and dessert islands, competition and camaraderie a great time whatever the weather.”
Designed for lessons, training and for people who want to increase their fitness and mobility from the young to the elderly. Ideally 25 metres long (half the length of the full Olympic pool/same as the short Olympic pool). With sufficient width for 12 lanes.
Set in relaxing surroundings ideally looking out to sea, would enable the Aqua Dome to capitalise on beauty treatments and hairdressing with a ‘pampering’ zone incorporating a health bar with light dishes and drinks.
The warmth and buoyancy of sea water relaxes painful joints and allows those with arthritis and other painful conditions to exercise. Sea water also contains minerals which can be beneficial to the skin. Physiotherapists, Chiropractors and similar practitioners would be able to rent space within the dome and offer any appropriate treatment. This would enable the high population of elderly people on Hayling to maintain their mobility and be self-reliant for a longer period.
There are two main aspects to the Learning and Heritage Centre.
The changing shape and size of the Island due to weather and coastal erosion.
(how this has affected our community and tourist industry)
Impact of pollution and poor waste management.
(loss of our Oyster and Shell Fish Industry due to contamination)
Impact of waste on the sea and sea life.
(swimming and fishing in the Solent)
Wild weather and rip tides!
“Hayling has a heritage of sailing, surfing and the Royal Navy”.
The home of yachting and surfing.
Living off the land and sea.
Crossing to the mainland by water or the Wadeway.
Smuggling, a bridge or two, eventually the Hayling Billy.
Hayling in World War One, the troops recuperate on the Island.
Hayling in World War Two, the front line!
Tourists discover Hayling Holiday Camps - Hi-Di-Hi!
All exhibits to be interactive and user friendly.
To discover and understand the impact of wild weather on the sea, the land and the inhabitants.
To understand how and why the environment impacts on the food chain and ultimately the survival of the planet through changes in a small community.
To appreciate that natural forces can be harnessed and harvested to support communities but that nature must be respected and supported to avoid disaster.
To discover the rich history of our Island, through War, Peace, Hardship and Plenty.
To understand the unique community that is our Island, its drawbacks and its advantages.
The Lower Level: Island heritage with an option entry area via a Wadeway and/or bridge.
First Floor: Search Engine teaching aids/simulation exhibitions of such events as: fishing in wild weather; the ghosts of the ships wrecked and then stripped of their cargo by smugglers; the Pompey Pals; the Navy; the First World War; the Hayling Billy carrying troops and equipment; the many Naval personnel and their families who moved to Hayling during the Second World War; the exercises carried out on the beach in preparation for the D Day landings and secret missions; bombing on a small Island. After the wars came the holiday camps and tourists rushed to the silver sands. A demonstration of changes in the demographic profile over the last 100 years.
Second Floor: Search Engine teaching aids/simulation exhibits and practical hands on demonstrations of: geographic changes brought over the past 100 years. What causes a tornado, a whirlwind, rip tide or sea currents, why is it dangerous to swim at the ferry? Why have some patterns of migration changed? Why did we lose our silver sands? Why are there more mosquitos and do sharks, dolphins, seals and whales swim in the Solent? How dangerous are jellyfish? How can we clean the sea and save sea life? How is the sea water filtered for the Aqua Dome, does it contain minerals? How can natural resources provide the energy for both the Aqua Dome and the Learning Centre?
Third Floor: Lecture Theatre, a multi-purpose facility, with ceiling projector and reclining chairs with all round sound, for use by schools, private hire and scheduled showings in the high season.
The Aqua Dome and the Learning Centre would be round buildings (to avoid wind tunnels), at each end of the site (which is identified in the draft plan for regeneration). Between the two buildings a solar panelled conservatory spacious enough to house a winter garden will add on an all season facility.
To the front of the Learning Centre (facing the road) would be a Healing or Therapeutic Garden. Constructing gardens that encourage autonomy and sensory stimulation is an economically sound, non-pharmacological strategy for improving the quality of life for people with disabilities both physical and mental. It is proven that Therapeutic gardens promote ambulation, positive reminiscences, decrease stress and stabilise sleep cycles. There are Charities which will design such gardens free of charge.
To the right of the site (in front of the Aqua Dome) would be a splash park and five plots of land, which would be allocated to each of the 5 schools. Each school would design and budget for their own play area, with the help of teachers and Council Officials to oversee budget and health and safety. As far as is possible each school would be responsible for the planting and maintenance of their own play area, so promoting “ownership” throughout future generations. This is proven to deter vandalism and promote community cohesion. A plot would also be set aside for sculpture and art. The local artists and schools could use it on a rota basis, the art work to be representative of the nature of our Island.
Why should this facility be built?
The Government have entered on a massive programme of building homes. 1,500 homes in new developments will be built on Hayling, over the next 5/7 years, and because a home on a new development is available at a low deposit and designed to help young people get a step on the property ladder, the demographic profile of the Island will dramatically change. Recent studies from the National Office of Statistics and Saville Estate Agents consider that, as a minimum, Councils should work on increases in population of 2.8 people in each new home. Therefore an additional 4,200 people will be living on our Island, this does not take into account so called “windfall” additional housing. Conservatively then our Island population will increase by between 25% and 32%, over the next 5/7 years. Havant and surrounding area population is also set to increase, so apart from traffic congestion the present pool and leisure facilities at Havant are completely inadequate and most seaside resorts have their own pool and leisure facilities to encourage tourism during adverse weather.
The Aqua Dome and Learning Centre site is easy to reach by public transport from most parts of the Island, and with the changing population profile we need to provide leisure facilities for all generations. This facility meets all of the Criteria in the Havant Borough Council’s Draft Plan: health, well being, regeneration of the economy, energy friendly and very much representative of our Island. It will be a green journey for those wishing to go in or out of Portsmouth, which by ferry, is only a short hop across the water reducing the carbon footprint. It only needs public transport to and from the ferry, work on which local Councillors are already engaged.
The whole facility would use natural energy, solar and sea water, which offers greater buoyancy and more benefits than chlorinated water. This environmentally friendly design and practical understanding (promoted by the Learning Centre) of the dangers of contamination to survival will provide our Island with cutting edge examples of using the sun and sea with respect and vision. Our Island is a microcosm of Britain, and this landmark facility will educate and inform all visitors of the dangers of ignoring the fragility of our environment and ecological system.
While we can use the publicity from high profile surfing and sailing events held off our shores, they will not provide year round work or facilities for residents. They attract a niche market. The efforts put into transforming Portsmouth as a tourist resort which offers the Historic Naval Dockyard, Gunwharf Quays and the Victorious Festivals are all attractive to tourists, who use our camping facilities, and those staying in Portsmouth may well be attracted to take the ferry across to Hayling to see our unique facilities. We should work with Portsmouth to regenerate the coastline.
Possible Funding Streams:
Garden and Play Area funding: https://www.greggsfoundation.org.uk/environmental-grant
Natural History funding: https://www.sciencecentres.org.uk/resources/stem-clubs/funders-database/
The Healing Garden: https://www.disability-grants.org/community-grants-charities-trusts.html youth/age/disability projects http://www.sensorytrust.org.uk/news-and-events/funding-news.html
The Learning Centre: https://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk
Various aspects of the Learning Centre: https://www.comicrelief.com/funding
Heritage: https://www.hlf.org.uk/looking-funding/our-grant-programmes/heritage-grants
Lottery Funding and Regeneration initiatives.
PLEASE contact your local Councillor, the Islander, the Portsmouth News, e-mail, write, tweet, but tell everyone that we, the Community of Hayling, want an Aqua Dome with facilities for every generation, which will regenerate our economy and is something of which we can be proud!!
Thank You - Wendy Coates - Hayling Island